ONE only process there is which renders water stable in itself: the process of freezing.
A second resource exists whereby for practical purposes it can be coerced into acting as if stable: dams, dykes, an impervious channel, restrain its laxity, husband its volume, accumulate and direct its strength.
To freeze suggests discipline rather than indulgence: to be straitened seems less enjoyable than to wander at large.
If we be "watery" characters we may not improbably need chills and shadows of life to harden us: full, unbroken, cloudless sunshine might evaporate us altogether, so that even if sought, our place should nowhere be found.
Or perhaps our lot will be cast in a narrow galling groove. Yet better this, surely, than that we should dribble in all directions into mere slush and mire, come to worse than nothing ourselves, and swamp our neighborhood.
Reuben's instability does make him a bit pathetic. Certainly the instability which marks us all can be helped by divine discipline. That is the Father's care, not any punishment.